
Training stands of type 3 ( IM-DCM ) and type 4 ( SM-DCM ) are realized as laboratory test-bench with front panel consisted from modules and power motor aggregate.

Training stands have big functionality and can be used for carrying out laboratory works in various disciplines.

The circuits are assembled by users by means of bonding wires. As power ones the isolated sockets and plugs are used.

An aggregate feature of stands 3…6 is higher power up to 2,2 kW and availability of torque sensor, which has tensometric operation principle.

There are two versions of stands of this type:

  1. with induction motor and c motor of type «3» (IM-DCM);
  2. with synchronous motor and dc motor of type «4» (SM-DCM).

NOTE: The aggregate of type IM(DCM)-IM with hydraulic brake can also be delivered.

The training stand is supposed to be able to load the motors mutually.

For both machines the power converters with ability to realize dynamic braking mode (to convert the extra energy into heat on brake resistor) are used.
The converters are able to be programmed under block programming environment by changing structure and parameters of control system of electric drive. The converters can also be controlled via standard analog and digital interfaces (RS-485 and RS-232).

The stand contains residual-current circuit breakers to disconnect the stand from the power supply, if there is a leakage current.

If it is required, on the front panel of the blocks the terminals for measuring currents, voltages, powers at input and output of the converter can be implemented.

If it is required, on the front panel of the blocks the mode select switch can be implemented to switch the hand control mode to remote one from the personal computer and back.
The function of the electrical measurements blocks is to measure (calculate) power, current, voltage and other electrical values with ability to send the measured information to computer.

Embedded software for blocks of the electric motor power supply provides:

  • control of induction motor (with and without feedback);
  • control of dc motor (with and without feedback);
  • forming any shape of speed-torque characteristic of loading in function of speed;
  • ability to change the structure and parameters of software via visual development program environment MexBIOS Development Studio.

The stand is completed by all-in-one (monoblock) computer.

The delivery set includes:

  • stand ticket, combined with manual;
  • training guide to carry out laboratory works in discipline «Control systems of electric drives»;
  • demo projects to control the motor and loading aggregate.

External environment: temperature (25 ± 10) С, relative humidity (45 – 80) %.
The training stand is to be supplied from 3 phase ac power line 50 Hz 380 V +10%-15%.

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